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Visby-class Corvettes July 2019


星际网赌导航公司的维斯比级轻型护卫舰继续为濒海战斗舰树立世界基准. 创新和强大的设计使水面战斗人员在隐身方面具有优势, 速度和战斗力.


Stealth; Visby-class巡洋舰 leads the world in naval signature reduction across the full signature spectrum.
Speed; the light hull results in higher speed for the same power as conventional metal ships.


Visby-class 巡洋舰
全长72,7 m
梁,马克斯10,4 m
Draught at full displacement2,4 m
Displacement, fully equipped650吨
满载速度35 +结

Action before – or even without – being detected

这是如何实现的?? The design of the Visby-class巡洋舰 is based on profound experience centered on key areas for any littoral vessel; stealth, 速度和机动性.

Visby-class巡洋舰 is a flexible surface combatant, designed for a wide range of roles, including but in no means limited to:

  • anti-surface warfare (ASuW)
  • anti-submarine warfare (ASW)
  • mine countermeasures (MCM)
  • 巡逻

在隐身领域,维斯比级轻型护卫舰真正脱颖而出. Designed in accordance with Saab’s stealth philosophy, taking an integrated design approach to signature reduction. 维斯比级轻型护卫舰在整个特征谱上引领世界海军隐身减少, 包括雷达, 红外, acoustic and magnetic design. Saab has more than 75 years’ of experience in R&D focused on naval stealth reduction.

该船配备一台联合柴油或燃气(CODOG)涡轮机用于高速和两台柴油发动机用于低速. The engines are connected to two gearboxes, driving two waterjet propulsors. The diesels sustain the vessel at 15 knots, while the turbines kick in when she has to do 35 knots or better.

“维斯比”级轻型护卫舰的作战优势是在同等功率下的航速高于同等尺寸的传统金属舰船, 以及更大的机动性和更浅的吃水——在沿海水域都是重要的战术考虑因素.

Visby-class Corvettes July 2019
Visby-class巡洋舰s 9LV Ceros
Visby-class巡洋舰s 9LV Ceros

The 100% all-composite carbon fibre hull

The hull and superstructure is made of the, 相比, very light material all-composite carbon-fibre, giving the ship a number of significant advantages.

  • 有效载荷和排水量
    “维斯比”级轻型护卫舰采用全复合碳纤维夹层船体,重量仅为650吨,比同等尺寸的钢制护卫舰轻. Thus the Visby-class巡洋舰 has a greater payload capacity.


  • 坚固耐用
    Even though the hull and superstructure is lighter than steel, it is still comparable for fire resistance and ballistic properties, and superior to steel for vulnerability to blast and underwater explosions.

  • 生命周期成本
    In terms of life cycle costs, 碳纤维复合材料在抗疲劳方面完全优于钢和铝. 优异的耐腐蚀性进一步降低了平台的生命周期成本.
First firings of Saab's Lighweight Torpedo

In 2020, 星际网赌导航公司与瑞典国防装备组织(FMV)和瑞典武装部队一起在卡尔斯克鲁纳外的海域从一艘轻型护卫舰和一艘潜艇上进行了第一次发射, on Sweden’s east coast in the Baltic Sea.

视频- 2:44


The Visby-class巡洋舰 is equipped with Saab Lightweight Torpedos, more information about the torpedo is to be found here


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Visby-class巡洋舰 information in pdf

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